How to Master Amazon’s Broad Match Keyword Tool

A Comprehensive Guide for Amazon Sellers
Posted by lonesomelabs_admin | 2 minute read
In short,
Choosing the right keyword match type (phrase, exact, or broad) in your Amazon PPC campaign, based on your marketing objectives and target audience, is critical to your success.
Editor's Foreword

The world of Amazon PPC campaign management is a fascinating labyrinth, a complex universe where the right keyword can make or break a product's success. It reminds me of my days as a fledgling entrepreneur, when every decision was a calculated risk.

Whether you're using phrase match, exact match or broad match depends largely on your end goal. Just like how I would strategically invest in a company, you must strategically invest in your keywords. If you're targeting a focused group, exact match is your best friend. But if you're casting a wider net, broad match is the way to go.

Now, think back to the countless times you've searched for a product online. Every keyword you type is a potential gold mine for sellers. It's like a treasure hunt, where the treasure is understanding what products a customer may be interested in.

So dive in.

How to Master Amazon’s Broad Match Keyword Tool

An example of broad match in action is the following: imagine you’re aiming for the keyword, “outdoor swing set.” The broad match setting will display your ad for search terms that match this keyword or any search terms that are related to this keyword. Terms may contain synonyms, misspellings, and linguistic variations.

In this case, the searches “swing set,” “indoor swing set,” “swings,” “rope swing,” and so on might all bring up your ad. Even search terms like “outdoor playground” or “kids play area” might be included too.

Understanding Broad Match Keywords on Amazon

You can choose this keyword match type when adding keywords manually by selecting it in the match type drop down menu. Once the campaign has been made, you will be unable to adjust the match types you have selected.

How to Use Amazon Broad Keywords

The broad match keyword type is one of the ways you can fine-tune your ad performance on Amazon. This option is designed to make your ad visible to a large number of shoppers. Choosing the match type “exact match” will show your ad to a more select, targeted group.

Broad match is a suitable option if you aren’t trying to target your ad to a specific group and you want to reach as many shoppers as possible. However, the broad match setting can become more costly. Because you are casting a wider net and displaying your ad to a larger group of shoppers, you may end up with more people clicking the ad but choosing not to buy the product.

Why Use Amazon Broad Match Keywords?

Whether you use phrase matchexact match, or broad match will depend on your Amazon PPC campaign structure and your overall marketing goals. For more focused targeting, exact match may be necessary, while broad match is more suitable for advertising your products to a larger, less focused audience.

Search for potential keywords you are considering to see what types of products show up with a specific search. This will help you develop a better understanding of what products a customer may be interested in.

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