Keys to Leveraging Customer Feedback & Reviews

A Comprehensive Guide for Amazon Sellers
Posted by lonesomelabs_admin | 5 minute read
Editor's Foreword

In this guide, we explore the pivotal role of customer feedback and product review in the grand scheme of e-commerce. The voice of a single customer can echo louder than the most elaborate marketing campaign. Every customer rating, every product review, is a powerful tool that can steer the trajectory of your product or service.

It may seem like a Herculean task, given how time-consuming it is to reach out to each customer after every purchase and order. However, the reward is well worth the effort. A boost in your product's ratings can be the difference between an average selling product and a bestseller.

In the age of digitization, where everything is just a click away, why should collecting feedback be any different? This is where seller Apps like HighFive come to your rescue. This remarkable tool automates the process of soliciting feedback, ensuring you never miss an opportunity.

But remember, it's not just about collecting feedback. It's about what you do with it. The art and science of digesting these reviews, understanding your customers' needs, and implementing changes accordingly - that's the real game-changer. This pursuit of continuous improvement is what sets the 'great' apart from the 'good.'

As we delve deeper into this topic, remember that every feedback loop is a stepping stone, every product review a mirror reflecting the image of your product. Never shy away from this reflection, for it is the most honest advisor you will ever get.

Here's to maximizing customer feedback and product reviews.

Amazon has a simple goal in mind. They wish to facilitate and make the buying decision as simple as possible for the buyers. Seller feedback, along with product reviews, are a metric representing how you act as a seller. It is composed of the average reviews of past customers that rate your behavior, response rate, shipping date and everything dealing with being a seller. This gives a potential buyer an indication of your trustworthiness as an Amazon Seller. On the other hand, negative comments, whether from yesterday, 90 days or 12 months ago or any other date and even those that are not closely related to your seller’s quality can prevent the customer from purchasing.

What is Amazon Seller Feedback good for?

Amazon Seller feedback is first and foremost made for buyers. It lets them assess how likely they are to get a good service from a seller. However, due to its importance, the effect of the feedback spans further than their effect over the buyer. Of course, the opportunity also exists in product reviews and you can read more about product reviews on this page.

Amazon feedback and its importance to the seller

Your seller rating affects many Amazon related aspects. It can influence your account health score and since they are factored in Amazon’s algorithm they can effect where your listings appear and your chances of appearing in Amazon’s Buy box. A positive review and feedback from a customer will take you a long way and increase your selling potential and chances to appear at the top of the page

The effect of Feedback on your Amazon account and status

There are many methods to get seller feedback. Basically, each and every product you sell is an opportunity to get reviewed. You can ask for reviews manually, using automations or seller apps. The important thing is to get as many feedback and product reviews as you can and do your best to make sure they are positive.

Remember, successful sellers rely on reviews, ratings and feedback on Amazon to go up. Missing out on potential reviews is wrong practice and can prove very negative to your feedback score and then to your service and business. Feedback is mostly dependent on your service as an Amazon seller, but you can improve your odds by giving the best customer experience in the first hand and making sure you ask for a review from each customer who bought a product you sell. You can read about best practices, about methods of approaching each customer and about seller apps that up your Amazon star rating from customers and buyers in order to get the highest star rating under this link.

How can I get more seller feedback?

Amazon does not allow a seller to remove feedback and negative reviews. However, there are a few important exceptions that you must know as a seller. These tips and tricks can up your game and improve your star rating and positive review potential from each buyer. Selling well is not enough – invest time in learning these to get a chance to become one of the top sellers in the Amazon marketplace and appear at the top of the page and get the highest ratings and best seller’s comments.

As always, superior customer experience is the most important factor to stay ahead and prevent negative feedback on Amazon. When you are a seller offering the customer top service, you will reduce the likelihood of getting a neutral or negative review that will put your listings in a bad place in the marketplace.

So, you are an awesome seller and you still received a bad feedback or product review. What can you do to reduce the effect of negative feedback score? Well, there’s much you can do because when customers and buyers leave feedback they often confuse the product and its quality with the seller and the order. Instead of leaving a feedback about how you acted as a seller (e.g. problems with the order), they leave a product review. In these cases, you can flag the negative reviews to contact Amazon which will remove the reviews and feedback of these customers.

You can also flag feedback from customers that contains the personally identifiable information and feedback that contains obscene or abusive language. This is a perfect example of a detail in a review or feedback that can get it removed immediately.

Another type of feedback that can be removed is when a buyer complains about shipping, delivery and logistics in case you are a FBA seller. In that case, Amazon will take responsibility.

Whenever customers submit a comment, we suggest that you contact them, deal with what they complained about and respond and fix their issues like a professional. Once solved, many third party sellers ask the buyer to change the review – but you should be careful with that practice since you are not allowed to directly ask for this. What you can do is respond and solve the issue presented in the comment as fast and as best as you can and hope the customers will alter or remove the negative feedback and stars rating.

Can I alter the feedback I received?

As discussed in the previous paragraphs, the basic idea is simple, you want buyers to leave seller feedback and star rating for your business after the money exchanged hands and the order was delivered. You need to do whatever in your powers to avoid negative feedback and give them top service so you will get positive feedbackproduct reviews and star rating that will raise your business and seller’s listings in the marketplace. Happy customers and buyers leave seller feedback that is positive and helpful for your account health. This can help you get to the top of the page and the buy box.

Note that in order to effectively get as many product reviews and feedback as you can, you must seize any opportunity and request a customer to rate you and your product after each purchase and order. Since this is time consuming and easy to forget, you can use seller Apps, like HighFive.

HighFive is a free high quality seller app that uses the “Request a Review” functionality. This is the most effective way that is fully compliant with Amazon’s guidelines. It sends an email delivered in the buyer’s language requesting feedback using Amazon’s approved wordings. It also lets you decide the proper time after the purchase date to send the related requests and give you full statistics and insights so you always know where you are at.

Frequently Asked Questions

Screenshot of the 'HighFive' software interface showing an automation toggle for Amazon's 'Request a Review' button, with a focus on the number of reviews for a product.

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