Boost Amazon Sales with PPC, Keywords & FBA

A Comprehensive Guide for Amazon Sellers
Posted by lonesomelabs_admin | 3 minute read
In short,
The more shoppers buy from you, your ACos goes down and your profits go up and you rank better on Amazon.
Editor's Foreword

The allure of eCommerce lies in its ever-evolving nature. As we dive into the importance of product descriptions, it's crucial to remember that we are not merely selling a product, but an experience. A well-written product description does not just list features; it entices, it persuades, and it paints a vivid picture of the benefits waiting for the customer. It's about employing the right tone, the right words, and most importantly, the right mindset.

Harnessing the power of keywords is like mastering the art of invisibility in a crowded marketplace. It's about understanding the nuanced language of your customers and ensuring your product emerges in their searches. Negative keyword targeting is an often overlooked strategy, yet it's one that can filter out irrelevant traffic and lead the right customers to your doorstep.

On the topic of conversion rates, one cannot underestimate the impact of trust and credibility. Signing up for FBA and becoming Prime-eligible is a game-changer. It’s like acquiring a seal of trust from Amazon itself, making your products more appealing to the discerning customer.

Embarking on this journey of exploring Amazon's ecosystem has been nothing short of fascinating. With every insight gleaned, the puzzle pieces fall into place, revealing a picture of a successful Amazon seller. We invite you to joinusme on this journey, to learn, to experiment, and to uncover the secrets of success in the Amazon marketplace.

Tips for effective Amazon sellers

  1. Rewrite your product descriptions: Make your product descriptions more enticing to shoppers. They are a key part of your product’s presentation.
  2. Study up on keyword strategies: Understand the different types of keyword strategies and how they can benefit your product listing.
  3. Utilize negative keyword targeting: This strategy ensures that only interested buyers end up on your Amazon listings.
  4. Understand your Amazon PPC average conversion rate: Your conversion rate will depend on the types of products you’re selling, the keywords you’re bidding on, and the quality of your advertising copy.
  5. Choose the right types of products: What you sell affects your conversion rate, so choose products that have a high demand and low competition.
  6. Bid on the right keywords: The keywords you bid on impact who sees your products, so choose keywords that are highly relevant to your products.
  7. Improve your advertising copy: The quality of your advertising copy can influence the buying process. Make sure your copy is clear, concise, and compelling.
  8. Pay attention to other factors influencing the buying process: This could include factors such as price, customer reviews, product images, and shipping options.
  9. Ensure quality across the board: This includes the quality of your products, keywords, and content.
  10. Continuously monitor and optimize your campaigns: Regularly review your PPC campaigns to ensure they are performing well and make adjustments as needed.
  11. Stay updated with Amazon’s policies and changes: Amazon frequently updates its policies and algorithms. Staying updated will help you navigate any changes smoothly.
  12. Optimize your product listings: This includes updating product images, titles, bullet points, and descriptions to appeal to your target audience.
  13. Understand your competition: Knowing who your competitors are and what they offer can help you differentiate your products and stand out.
  14. Use Amazon’s tools: Amazon provides a variety of tools to help sellers succeed. Utilize these tools to gain insights and optimize your listings.
  15. Provide excellent customer service: Respond to customer queries promptly and professionally, and handle returns and refunds gracefully.
  16. Regularly review your sales performance: Use Amazon’s sales reports to track your performance and identify areas for improvement.

Boost Amazon Sales with PPC, Keywords & FBA

Your Amazon Conversion Rate is the percentage of how many shoppers click on your Ad and also complete a specific action. Conversion is the main goal in your PPC strategy. You want to optimize your conversion rate and reduce your cost per conversion by getting the maximum percentage of potential customers to make that conversion.

What is CVR (Amazon Conversion Rate)?

An Amazon Conversion is when your PPC Ad, promoted by CVR marketing efforts, is clicked and the action is completed. These actions include adding an item to the cart or completing a purchase..

Your Amazon conversion rate is found under Reports > Business Reports > “Sales and Traffic”. You will see “Order Session Percentage” – this is another way to describe CVR.

Amazon Conversions

The conversion rate formula can be calculated by dividing the number of orders by the number of visits.

For instance, if you get 300 clicks on an ad that result in 10 sales, the CVR formula would be (10/300) * 100 = 3%.

How to Calculate Your Conversion Rate

The CVR is always in direct opposite correlation to your ACoS. When your conversion rate goes up, then your ACoS will go down and vise versa.

Average CVR rates differ greatly depending on the product category. It’s crucial that you are aware of average CVRs for your market so that you can assess your success properly in the context of other businesses in your field.

CVR Rule of Thumb

One of the key metrics for sellers is the CVR because:

  • It shows you whether people are clicking on your ad but do not follow through with a purchase.
  • It will determine your ad’s ranking.

CVR gives you an idea of how many people lose interest in your product after clicking on your ad. While your ads might be effective, your listing pages might not be.

Also, having an excellent CVR will help you improve your ad’s ranking. Amazon uses this ranking to determine how your ad will be displayed.

CVR (Amazon Conversion Rates) — and Why Are They Important?

CVR’s differ depending on product category. If you think your CVR or total number of conversions is particularly low for your category, there are a few ways you can try to improve the figure.

What Is a Good Conversion Rate?

How to Increase Sales on Amazon?

Something you can do is lower the price of your product. One reason that shoppers click an ad but fail to make a purchase is that the price is too high compared to other similar products.

Competitive Prices

You could also try rewriting your product description to make it more enticing to shoppers. Study up on keyword strategies, such as negative [keyword targeting](amazon-negative-keyword-targeting.html#how-can-you-use-negative-keyword-targeting), to ensure that only interested buyers end up on your Amazon listings.

Compelling Product Descriptions

Your Amazon PPC average conversion rate will depend on the types of products you’re selling, what keywords you are bidding on, the quality of your advertising copy, and other factors that influence the buying process.

Quality – Products, Keywords, and Content

Increase your conversion rates quickly and easily simply by signing up for FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon). Your products will show as Prime-eligible and therefore, perceived as more trustworthy and secure.

Sign Up and Take Part in FBA

Most shops selling on Amazon will offer the standard offer, similar to most of their competitors, such as free shipping, free trial, free consultation ect. Try to come up with something more creative and compelling.

Make a Unique Offer

Finally, you could try encouraging previous shoppers to leave reviews to improve your product’s rating.

So, CVR, in a nutshell, is like this… …

The conversion rate is how many potential shoppers click on your PPC ad and also make the conversion and buy your product.

Calculate CVR % like this: (Number of Orders / Number of Visits) * 100

And remember that the more shoppers buy from you, your ACos goes down and your profits go up and you rank better on Amazon.

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