Get Amazon Reviews and
Seller Feedback Automatically
Grow your Amazon business by getting more feedback and reviews using HighFive.
100% compliant Superior conversion rate Free app
The #1 rated app in the Amazon partner appstore
Loved by scores of sellers like yourself. Top rated app in the review category with a perfect 5 star rating
HighFive elevates your ranking
Fully compliant
HighFive uses Amazon’s own “Request a review” button and is therefore 100% safe and compliant. Each buyer will get an email from Amazon requesting a review and feedback
Free solution
HighFive is a free app. Why? So more and more Amazon sellers know about us and give the rest of our apps a try.
Stay at the top of Amazon
Getting fresh and recent reviews and feedback makes Amazon’s algorithm place your products at the top of its search. HighFive ensures this happens automatically for each and every order.
Save time and effort
Getting fresh and recent reviews and feedback makes Amazon’s algorithm place your products at the top of its search. HighFive ensures this happens automatically for each and every order.
Full statistics
The robust HighFive statistics make sure you always know where you stand. You can also drill down and get accurate data for each product for a more granular view